Tuesday, March 28, 2006

March - part 5

So today is day 14 of my cycle and I took my first ovulation test. I did a lot of online research before I bought the tests a couple of months ago, reading reviews and trying to find the best one, but eventually I ended up buying the CVS one - it's easy to use and not very expensive and comes with 7 test strips. It seemed to work fine the first month I used it so hopefully it works again this time although I've been a little concerned with some comments that by the time you get a positive result it may be too late. I guess you just never know whether these things work until you actually get pregnant :)

I took the test first thing in the morning and unfortunately nothing. My test line was actually so faint (it's supposed to be dark red when you're ovulating) that I'm a little concerned. On day 14 I should be fairly close to ovulating (normally, my cycle is 28-30 days) but it didn't seem so on the test. I wonder what's going on with my body. I'll continue with the tests though and see what happens.

Just in case, I'm trying to have as much sex as possible even if the results come negative, just to increase my chances. Last night I almost threw myself on my husband... He's been kind of tired recently and not in the mood very often so I feel like I have to be extra sexy to get things going but the thing is that we've been having so much sex since we started trying 8 months ago (compared to before) that it does not feel as exciting anymore. I never thought I'd say this but here it is... Every time we get close to ovulation time we both know that we should be getting busy so the sex feels more like work than like wild abandon. Well, maybe not really work, but it's sort of quick and predictable and we sort of go through the same motions every time and I never seem to be able to get as excited as non-ovulation time sex.

Being in a nice hotel always gets us in the mood very quickly (when we were in college we used to spent the night in a hotel at least once a month and hardly ever left the room during those stays so I think that's how this whole hotel thing started) so I was thinking maybe spending the night outside of home will make us forget it's ovulation time and just get us in a sexy mood. But the thing is, we can't afford to spend several nights in a hotel and how do you know which night is the best for conception? Maybe I'll wait to get a positive result on my ovulation test and the reserve a room for that night... I wish there was a way to know in advance...

On a different note, I've been meaning to get back to yoga for a few months now but every month I keep thinking, maybe I'll get pregnant this month and yoga will be just too much effort, so I keep putting it off but then, of course, I'm not pregnant. A year ago, I used to go to yoga twice a week pretty much every week and, once you get through the first month, it just makes you feel full of energy. There's a lovely yoga studio right next to my office that does lunch-time yoga, which is very convenient since I cannot be bothered to do any exercise before or after work. So I'm thinking maybe I should really start doing yoga again, it may clear my head and make me feel more positive. It's just so hard to get back on track after missing almost a year of classes. I kept saying that I'm not going back because of the possibility of being pregnant, but I never thought that getting pregnant will take so long so I really should just force myself to go back and stop with the excuses.


Anonymous said...

I think you should not test for ovulation early morning. It should be done in afternoon atleast after 10:00. FMU is not good for opk test. Test between 10:00am and 4:00pm. 2:00 -2:30pm is considered one of good times by many..
Wish you all the best.
- A fellow TTCer

Anonymous said...

Same is happening to me. Feel as though there is hope every month, but then it comes. It is like your worst nightmare and you have to go through it ll again. It is lik,e do i have to do it. Im 28 ad my partner is 40 so the clck is ticking so to speak. I'm fed up of asking the question why us. ALl other familly members are pregannt now to ake matters worse!

Anonymous said...

I really feel for waht you are going through. We took awhile to conceive and it resulted in an m/c, and now we are trying again.

I think the nurse was rude (and a bit unprofessional if you ask me) for saying "we women get poked and prodded while all men have to do is masturbate in a cup." Sorry, but I would rather be poked here and there than suffer the embarrassment of someone telling me to MASTURBATE in a room!! I would rather do that part anyday and besides, women are lucky to experience pregnancy and what it feels like to have a human being grow inside, you know? Hopefully for you, and me, it will be soon.

I know my DH has the performance pressures too. I know that really sucks and is hard for them too.
Women are the tough ones in the world. God made is that way.