Friday, March 24, 2006


After the chemical pregnancy I was really depressed and scared for a while but I could not wait to start trying again. Even though the doctor told me to wait one full cycle before starting, I read many postings online where people started trying right away and got pregnant with no problems, so I decided I to start trying right away. I didn't know when I'd ovulate because according to the doctor it could take up to 6 weeks for my body to get back to normal, so as soon as my cramps subsided we got back to having sex regularly and pretty much every other day. I figured this way we're covered regardless of when I ovulate. About 3 weeks after my chemical pregnancy, I went on a short business trip to Florida and on the way back all of a sudden I felt super tired and slept through the whole flight without taking a sleeping pill. Then, for the next few days I felt really tired, I would fall asleep around 10 every night (I usually don't go to bed before midnight), so I was secretly praying that this was the first sign of pregnancy. I couple of days later I felt the tingling in my breasts, which grew stronger every day, so I was almost convinced that I was pregnant. I even started talking to my belly (crazy, I know...) I decided to wait until 5 weeks after my miscarriage to do a pregnancy test and became acutely aware of every little thing my body was feeling trying to interpret it as a symptom of pregnancy. Well, I was wrong! Exactly 5 weeks after "the incident" I got my period. Turns out the tender breasts were just PMS and the tiredness was probably work-related. I didn't really know what to think anymore.

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